What is the impact of immigration on U.S.-born workers?
Thursday, January 16, 2025 (11:00 AM - 12:30 PM) (EST)
A program of the Garden State
Immigration Policy Institute
A joint project of the NJBIA &
the NJ Business Immigration Coalition
One of the key questions confronting Washington policymakers is the impact of immigration on U.S.-born workers. Under what circumstances does immigration strengthen the overall economy, including the job prospects and earnings levels of American workers? And when might immigration harm the interests of U.S.-born workers? This program will not only attempt to answer these questions but will also provide important insight into labor conditions in New Jersey and the extent to which our state must rely on immigrant labor in the future.
This program features a presentation by award-winning Professor Zeke Hernandez of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, author of the recently published book, “The Truth About Immigration.” Dr. Hernandez’s presentation will be followed by a panel discussion, featuring representatives from New Jersey companies and unions, who will discuss the extent of their reliance on immigrant workers.
Register Here: https://njbia.org/events/immigration_jan2025/